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Category Archives: Graduate School

That thing you do

The good news: I finished that paper and also, did pretty well during the presentation. We had ten minutes to present, which meant that the early people took upwards of 45 minutes (I am not making that up) for their own presentations, and then when I got up there, only half of the class had […]

A short critical dissertation on the prevalence of happy fairy candy

This week is the last of my OH MY GOD weeks, wherein I run around freaking out and slightly urpy from a stress tummy. I have now completed all twenty thousand pages of science fiction and literary theory and my eyeballs, they threaten to disintegrate and fall out of my head. I didn’t need my […]

Call him Professor Dreamy

I’ve mentioned before that I always get a bit of a crush on my professors, but man, this guy? So smart! So witty! And just when you think that you can shake off the all the smart boy in glasses talking about words headiness, then he mentions that he watches Buffy! Or he wears Doc […]

Wendy Wimmer and the Deathly Hallows

I have pneumonia. I also have double the amount of science fiction to read, Our professor needed to change the schedule around so we had two Philip K. Dick books in one week on top of the critical theory (… must resist urge to–oh my god, I can’t! Dick! DICK! It was deep Dicking all […]

Call me Nimdok

I just started another semester, with the dreaded literature class, the ones I now have to take because it’s all I have left before I finish the Masters and continue on to demanding to be called Doctor Wimmer (or Doctor Pretty Pretty Princess would also be acceptable). It’s not that I dread literature classes, really. […]

It’s gotta be the shoes

Grades are in for the semester and I invite you to bask in the beauty of my new ‘Still A 4.0 GPA and Only One Year Until I Get My Masters’ shoes. Yes, I have nothing to wear them with and nowhere to go once I do, but damn, you have to admit that these […]

Mid-century Modernism

If the color is careless It seems that one of my ideas has been noticed by brass and now I will be traveling to the corporate headquarters for weeks at a time throughout spring semester. Which is really cool, because hello IKEA and Nordstrom and Trader Joes, but also sort of not cool because a) […]

De stressed

Let’s see, when last we left our intrepid heroine (or \”plucky girl detective\” which is a phrase used on the back of a chick lit book. It’s funny now, but the sad thing is that they were totally serious. And yes, the front of the book featured shoes and feet. Seriously, Chick Litters! Stop being […]

How to not give a public reading

I just got an e-mail from the admin in my graduate program. Apparently, I agreed to participate in their student/faculty reading series, as long as he scheduled me in the spring rather than in the fall, since my fall was similar to that of Humpty Dumpty’s in that it was great but my crown still […]

Lolly lolly lolly get your clue here

There’s a Christmas mad-lib going around the office, and my coworkers had to ask me what a noun was. And then what an adjective was. And then an adverb. I patiently explained and provided examples in kind. Then one jumped in and started singing ‘Conjunction Junction’ like that was supposed to help. I countered ‘That’s […]