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Words of wisdom from Ira Glass on fixing broken writers

This is a true story: my friend Wendy (a different Wendy, I promise I’m not talking about myself in the third person or that this isn’t that split personality deal I talked about in this entry) once met up with me on Chicago’s Navy Pier a couple of years ago. We were drinking overpriced strawberry daquiris and getting sunburned. She was all glowy and beautiful, even more than she normally is, and then she casually mentioned that she’d just come from interviewing Ira Glass.

So, not only is Ira Glass amazing and talented and wise and hilarious, he also is a beauty product not yet approved by the FDA. Take that, Lancome.

Here. Everyone needs a little Ira Glass in their lives. He’ll make you better looking and also he just might have the answer for broken writer syndrome.