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Category Archives: Reading List

The final chapter of the quest for the Master’s Degree

I was already late for my thesis defense when I got to the building, out of breath from the run across campus from the overfull parking garage. I caught the elevator but it went down to the basement and then, after I said “You’ve got to be fucking KIDDING ME!” under my breath but totally […]

Screwy decimal system

Next semester, I’m taking a Lit class. I think it will be my first official Lit class as a graduate student, although really, my first one under Professor Clark almost counted as a Lit class. Not only do I know nothing about this professor, from e-mail discussions with her, we’ll be reading a lot of […]

These are not spirit fingers. THESE are spirt fingers.

My professor, who is usually all laid back and uses the ‘adult attention deficit’ method of class organization, seemed to have realized that there were only two class nights left, so for next week, I must read Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’, write a paper with six sources on a topic that the entire class is very confused […]


I’m a horrible loanee, really I am. Never lend me anything. It actually makes me uncomfortable, because I know that I will be beholden to it and hyperventilate when I find some long ago borrowed item floating around my house and know that the owner has been not mentioning it but undoubtedly thinking ‘That punk […]

100 reasons why I am dumb

So I’ve mentioned how I’m applying to some graduate programs in English, right? Well, I was surfing today and found a list of some publisher’s 100 essential modern novels. And now I’m reconsidering because man, I realize I went to a stoopid local liberal arts college and I realize that I skated by with a […]

Let’s all go and break into her house to read her manuscript.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was funny and bright and loved to read 19th century English literature. She wandered through her eclectic little life quite happily, flitting from book to book, occasionally making failed attempts at emulating Martha Stewart. Then one day, she picked up a new book, a children’s […]

It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!

Today is the day that my town gains its own center of beatnik culture. Da da da DA!!!!!!!!! Barnes & Noble! I finally got to leave work today for lunch at 2:30 in the freaking afternoon. Good thing I was able to gnaw on that intern for a while or I would have been a […]

Class guilt

I’ve been jonesing for the Barnes and Noble to open its latest store nary half a mile from my office. I’ve been envisioning lovely lunches spent reading expensive photography books while drinking warm Blackberry & Sage tea or writing in my red velvet schmancy journal which I never write in. I’m agog with delight over […]

People magazine and the National Enquirer are NOT a good summer reading list

Big Brother 2 has me completely in its thrall. God help me, I actually find Will charming, despite his evil tendencies. In the beginning, I thought Hardy was a doll, but now I’m finding myself rooting for Kent, as he truly seems more genuine. Hardy is just fooling himself. Hardy has convinced himself that he’s […]